The aura portraits I create are enabled by a psychic connection established between me and my subject. Our spirit guides facilitate the transfer of information in the form of colors, shapes, patterns, and clairsentient information.
When I began my series of paintings inspired by the forest that surrounds our house on three sides, I realized a similar process was in effect. I took pictures of the trees, began the work on each piece by looking at a specific photo, but that is where the reliance on the image ended. I found I was compelled to work in quick, energetic bursts of activity, with out any planning or conscious control. The more I just allowed the process to unfold, the better the artwork. It was only after I stood back and looked at the piece as a whole I saw the images I had created. The message would became clear. I could complete a piece in four or five short sessions, sometime working over a portion of the painting, changing it entirely. Then, suddenly, it was done. I just knew.
While creating the artwork I was in communication with the entities and spirits that roamed the woods. They wandered in and out of the dark spaces and light portals I was depicting in between the trees. They were telling me their stories, and revealing the energy matrix that binds me, the trees, the portals, and all of creation together.
To view a cataloge of my work, visit my art website.